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Petroleum Exploration and Production Authority (PEPA), an authorized unit of the Ministry of Oil and Mineral (MOM) was established in 1997 to act on behalf of MOM to provide supervision and monitoring of all oil and gas concession areas in Yemen. The establishment of a National Data Bank was considered a strategic project for MOM, represented by PEPA. For this purpose, an MOU was signed between PEPA and Schlumberger, on April 2001 with the purpose to design, implement, and operate a state-of-the-art information management facility in Yemen. The proposal to proceed with this plan was finalized in May 2002 and the project named the Data Bank Development Project (DBDP) initiated. The facility would essentially be used to stimulate foreign investments in Yemen and the protection of current exploration and production data.

Schlumberger established the technical and operational infrastructure of the DBDP. DBDP today is equipped with the essential information management software and the required operational policies and procedures. The software provides the ability to manage a wide range of field information including geophysical, geological, production, drilling, as well as interpretation results. The management of this information includes among others the data captures, quality check, and data transfer. DBDP registered users utilize a friendly web browser interface to securely access the information needed, which can be done either from within DBDP or from companies sites.

Business Goals
The major business goals, to be achieved in line with the scope of services of this project, are:

  • Work with PEPA and the Operators to optimize information management operations. This should allow existing operators to achieve higher levels of efficiency leading to optimization of oil reserves in Yemen.
  • Work with PEPA and the Operators to reduce information management related costs. This will contribute to the reduction of field operations cost.
  • Enhance personnel competence where applicable, leading to higher productivity levels within the oil industry in Yemen.

Solution Services
The DBDP aims to centralize information management operations, technology acquisition, and technology services, thus allowing the sharing of personnel and technology resources, which in turn will result in substantial cost savings. DBDP has been established using international data center standards and has been equipped with business processes, policies, and technology tools to support PEPA, and the operators' operations.

The DBDP technology services will be securely accessible by PEPA and the Operators. DBDP today represents an organized digital set of data repositories that are accessible from the DBDP corporate system. DBDP registered users will use a web interface to browse the corporate data to determine what data is available and then "drill down" to the specific data repository to select, review and order the desired data from the system. DBDP has also been equipped with data security measures. Data security policies will be applied to all registered users of DBDP to prevent any unauthorized use of information.

DBDP technology services include the following:

  • Digital data archiving and management of seismic, production, geological, drilling, and interpretation results
  • Data preparation and delivery
  • Digital data access services
  • Cartography (mapping)
  • Operation reporting
  • Production data capture from field operations to DBDP
  • Personnel training
  • Seismic processing/reprocessing of pre-stack and post-stack data
  • Physical asset and document management
  • Data interpretation facilities