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DBDP Technology

DBDP Office


The aim of DBDP is to be the center of information services for Yemen Oil Industry, thus, it is very important that the information contained within are managed properly by the personnel involved, following the guidelines in place. In addition to that, the technology used in managing those information plays an important role in assisting the process. DBDP is powered by the latest hardware and software technology to ensure the performance and reliability of the system.

Hardware Technology

The data in DBDP repositories are managed and served by two powerful Sun Solaris servers that is designed to be redundant. The servers provides database services as well as application services for the data loaders. The end users will not have direct access to these two servers, instead they will access the data through two web servers (read only) that is connected to the database. The first (main) web server is accessed directly by the end users, while the second one is providing GIS map service to the main web server.

There are two types of backup implemented in the system. The first one is daily online backup, controlled by Legato backup application using ADIC scalar system. The snapshot of the system is automatically stored daily on the backup system, ready to be used for recovery purpose. The second type is the offline backup, where a snapshot of the system is copied to the offline storage. This type of backup provides redundancy to the online backup.

The network system is powered by Cisco switch capable of delivering 1GB of data per second, supported by network cards on each machine that also have the same capability.

Software Technology

DBDP is today equipped with the essential data management software and the required operational Policies and Procedures. The data management software provides the ability to capture a wide range of field data including seismic, geological, geophysical, production, drilling and interpreted data. DBDP has defined the quality control processes to agreed standards in order to maintain the quality of data provided by PEPA and the Production Operators in Yemen. However the ownership of the data and its correctness will always remain with the owners of the data. DBDP registered users utilize a friendly web interface to browse, and order data, access to which can be done either from within DBDP or the company’s sites, provided communications exist.

The security and confidentiality of PEPA and the Production Operators’ data assets are the corner-stone of the DBDP service. DBDP has established data security policies and will keep track of the accessibility of data. Data security rules will be applied to all registered users of the DBDP to only allow access to data they are authorized to see and at the same time, prevent any unauthorized access of the data by non-authorized users.


Digital Data Access

The web access provides a simple and secure way to access the data. This web access is powered by Schlumberger's DecisionPoint technology, which connects to various data repositories in DBDP, and present the data in integrated form. The users will be able to visualize the data and do quick analysis of the data, as well as drill down to more detail.

The following screenshots shows how the user view the data stored in DBDP.

Summary of weekly production for each material (oil, water, gas, water cut, fluid) in a gauge format, measuring the target production against the actual production.

The drill down from the production gauges to the periodic production in an interactive chart format, for an easy analysis of each production material over time.


The drill down from the production gauges shown on the At A Glance Weekly screen. Here it displays the current production figures for each production element compared to the previous production, showing whether the difference are within the threshold or not.

Summary of drilling activities for a specific well. It shows the breakdown of activity based on a pre-defined categories (drilling, logging, cementing, etc) as well as time vs. depth chart, actual cost vs. planned cost, mud weight, ROP and hours on bit chart.


The interactive map that provides a spatial view of the information resides in the databases, as well as the capability to drill down to more detail information.

The availability of various well information (logs, markers, cores, etc) displayed based on the depth of existence, which are also have the capability to drill down to retrieve the actual data stored in the databases.


The interactive log viewer, enables the users to quickly retrieve the log curves from the database, and display them on the fly.

One of the many reports available. This one shows the monthly production report along with the chart that shows the information visually.



The interactive wellbore schematic for a specific well, where the users can view the historical wellbore schematic since the well was drilled.



DBDP Technology

DBDP Office
